Dragonball Z: Eternal Saga
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The Prologue

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The Prologue Empty The Prologue

Post  Shenron Mon Aug 29, 2011 11:30 pm

500 BBW
Death and Destruction, screams of terror filling the air as the bright light produced from burning fires create silhouettes of death and destruction against the night sky. From above lights illuminate the thick grey clouds which immediately send a chill of horror into those that lay eyes upon it before balls of fire crash down creating large craters. Screams.....it’s all one could hear while loved ones are seen scattering amongst the destroyed fields which once nurtured crops to sustain their peaceful lives and one can only ask why these turn of events unfolded. Beyond the shadows 2 warriors fought vigorously for a particular item the other possessed, an orange ball housing an assortment of black stars, balls of energy being hurled around which demolished anything it touched, punches and kicks thrown effortlessly as each connection sent a shock wave of energy which could be felt from miles away and then...........nothing. Awakening from the dreadful dream a large green being awoke from his slumber drenched in sweat as fear struck the very core of his pure heart, he knew that what he had seen was not a simple nightmare but a vision of what was to come should he not act. The Dragonballs, a simple of endurance and peace to the Namekian race who created them, it represented hard work and determination and rewarded those who strove for those values as one who collected all 7 of these mystical globes was awarded 3 wishes from an all powerful dragon....this was about to change. It was a moment of deep inner conflict as this particular Namekian struggled with his decision with his gentle eyes resting down to his most trusted warrior and protector, his loyal follower who would not question any order given as he knew it was more or less for the greater good. He was told that a great evil was to befall Planet Namek should the Dragonballs remain in existence and that all remaining members of the Dragon Tribe be stripped of their blood right, everyone one including himself.....Guru, leader of the Namekians. The choice was simple, renounce your gift or die. It was a necessary evil to ensure the lives of many were spared in the future. Guru had his bodyguard gather all the Dragon Clan members so that the purge could begin.

475 BBW
There is always one who rebels despite the innate nature of an overall race, the Namekians were no exception. Although there were not many who had the blood of the Dragon running through their veins one still continued to elude the bodyguard however the Planet Namek offered little refuge from Gurus wish causing the rogue to seek the stars for solace. Two decades in the dark abyss of space had warped his mind as years of solitude and memories kicked in, memories of betrayal, disloyalty and distrust transformed his perspective of life into something more far more sinister as the once peaceful adviser stood before his reflection as an agent of vengeance. Since his departure from Namekian soil the man had not been seen again, he wouldn’t for another century. Elder Drumm was dead, Lord Drumm was born.

400 BBW
A form of energy, a physical body and 7 stones for the newly created Dragon to host were the 3 things required for Lord Drumm to create a new set of Dragonballs which would make Porunga look like a common house lizard but this was no easy task at all. Decades had gone into molding the creatures physical shape then the creator needed to transfer a portion of his own life force in order to sustain its state then 7 rocks of equal shape needed to be presented in front of the bearer before its creation would be complete. A green hand hovered above 7 rocks assembled in a circle with a small sculpture of the dragons image next to the formation then a Namekian chant proceeded. Pure energy and raw emotion spewed from Lord Drumm and was absorbed into the circular rocks which took on a shade of orange with black stars varying in number imprinted in the center of the balls then an enormous blast shot forth towards the dark skies. A red dragon which covered the entire sky of a small uninhabited Planet began to speak as he demanded to know what his summoner desired so he could return to his slumber to which the severely drained Namekian replied “Dragon! Give me unimaginable power!” After the wish was granted the 7 blackstar Dragonballs scattered across the Universe.

380 BBW
For Decades renowned Masters of their Art and their pupils fought for territorial domination and overall supremacy for their own personal reasons, some fighting for the hope of unification which would bring peace while others fought for power and respect, pride and glory. The many schools of Earth were divided by varying principles and visions of a better World which in a sense made them weak to what was about to come to pass. Amidst their growing conflict on a battlefield littered with hundreds of Warriors and Martial Artists was an explosion caused by a falling space ship of unknown origins, the initial blast throwing many to their backs as the confusion spread like an infectious disease while a bright light emitted from the opening doors of the shuttle which brought it an overwhelming power bringing many seasoned fighters to their knees in disbelief. What emerged from the ship was a being hidden behind robes whose eyes shined with unrivaled wisdom but also accommodated a great and terrible evil which was displayed in a matter of seconds. Hundreds vs 1 and yet only a single one remained standing as others grasped for life while their bodies smoked after exposure to several attacks in the blink of an eye. The Masters of each school arrived upon devastation and horror as their pupils laid either dead or unconscious with but a single being standing in the center of the destruction which sparked a truce, something which had not occurred in decades, and fought the being until it retreated. Realizing that there were larger threats to their existence the Turtle, Crane and Wolf Master formed an alliance which would pave the way for a greater super power to emerge in the coming years.

379 BBW
Two different Species occupying a single Planet, hostilities rising between the two as civil war rages on, casualties rising on both sides. The Tuffles were the superior in technology and firepower but the Saiyans reigned supreme when it came to brute strength fueled by pride and honor. For nearly half a Century these two forces fought for total domination over this Planet with no decisive victor due to the simple fact that neither power could gain the upper hand, that is unless the full moon exposed itself which was not due to occur for a few more months. The Capital known as Korat was the location of many battles but in this instance it would be known as the site of a great catastrophe as a single ship crash landed in the centre of the conflict with but a single being exiting its doors clad in robes with only intense eyes peeking from behind the shadows. Due to their innate nature the Saiyans made the first attack but what happened next shook the very foundations of this war as both Tuffle and Saiyan forces were wiped out in a heartbeat including the Saiyan King and without a word the unknown being disappeared. From the ashes of the conflict rose the Kings son Nythyia who took up his Fathers mantle and forged a truce between the Saiyans and Tuffles, this alliance would pave the way for a greater super power to emerge.

330 Years Ago
The Tuffles were already a technologically advanced species before their battle with the Saiyans which made the technological jump from cavemen to super power that much quicker for the newly organized Empire thanks to the prowess of Doctor Kon, a leading scientist in the old Tuffle formation. The newly appointed King of Saiyans invested resources in the good Doctor as well as a small handful of other scientists which inevitably grew from a small laboratory to a fully fledged division which rebuilt already existing tech along with creating newer gadgets for their stronger counterparts. From the ashes of the Capital LunaTech recovered tech such as Scouters, Flexible Armour, Rejuvenation Chambers as well as one manned space pods.

290 BBW
Long Before all the fighting, before all the conflict, a single small organization prided themselves in technological progress over the thirst of power. Trial and error, failure and success, these were the components which slowly meshed together the fabrics of technology as mankind took small leaps within the technology chart. After the events which unfolded 50 years ago a scientist along with his small team of specialists began to work on counter measures in case history repeated itself and in the process they created gadgets which excelled Earth kind years forward. They single handily created a working prototype for space flight based off the aliens technology then proceeded to create more practical things to help mankind in everyday life.

285 BBW
It had been over a Century since Earth and Vegeta had been struck by two large re energized Dragonballs which also brought along theories of what they did and where they came from. Since their initial discovery many have pondered on its use but seeing as these creations were of alien origins it was inevitable that the two be oblivious to its true nature and hidden power. Space flight was a possibility for both growing powers now as their respected scientists had broken the technological barriers required to do so and it was no surprise that they ventured out to the stars for more power, territory or just to peak their curiosity about what the galaxy had to offer. Back on Planet Namek the scars of the Purge still existed by everyone knew it was for the greater good and their vision of peace prospered throughout the region. One day while the crops were being tended with fresh water by a local Namekian farmer a large bang filled the skies as a trail of fire soared down to the ground, its silver complexion shimmering as the light hit it, the farmer running to his Village to warn the others in an understandable panic. Dust and loose grass swept around the contraption as it landed softly and the eager Namekians stood anxiously from a distance as the door opened revealing talking animals with a humanoid build as well as strange white and tan men and women with various garments, each one holding a peaceful aura as if they had nothing but good intentions. A Namekian Village Elder approached the group and greeted them to their Planet though many questions had surfaced about their origins and their reason for their visit but these matters were to be looked into by their Leader Guru in which the visitors were asked to follow. Guru was initially a large Namekian whom had aged gracefully but since the day he renounced his powers from the Dragon Clan he had slowly returned to his former self as his life force found its way back to his body from the Dragonballs though he still easily towered over those he looked after.

280 BBW
It had been 5 years since First Contact had been made with the Namekians and progress between the two races seemed to flourish under the watchful eye of Guru and the 3 Masters of Earth. Namekians had been sent to Earth in order to learn their culture and study their ways but not all agreed with this, some even shunning the Humans as they felt that they wanted to take their Planet for their own gain. Human and Namekian led a peaceful existence and traded knowledge of martial arts techniques as well as technology between themselves which caused both to flourish in various aspects of life.

250 BBW
Planet Namek was now home to Namekian and Human alike but the illusion of prosperity was soon destroyed as several small ships rained from the skies like burning meteorites. Villages were destroyed, lives were lost as these pods crash landed to the surface which created widespread destruction though surprisingly minor deaths. What exited the pods were the Saiyans, a once primitive race which had been shot forward technologically due to their Tuffle counterparts, who were scouting various sectors of the Galaxy for precious resources in order to sustain their growing Empire and there are many versions as to whom made the first attack which sparked the 1st War. Only moments after their arrival the Saiyans were met with heavy resistance by an Earthling and Namekian alliance and many died on the first day which shook the very foundations of both growing super powers. Reinforcements were sent from both sides to ensure that the other was denied victory but the true victim of this initial outbreak was the Namekian Race whom had not seen War for close to a millennium. The Saiyan scouts were decimated but they left a chilling message with their dying breath.......reinforcements were coming and they were stronger!

247 BBW
3 Years had passed since the scouting party was eliminated and the reinforcements were close to their destination, not to claim the Planet but to seek revenge for the death of their Brothers and Sisters as they believed that the Earthlings and Namekians drew first blood though unbeknown to them the opposition had recovered from their losses and prepared for their arrival. More pods hailed from the green skies in far more numbers than before and what emerged was a small Saiyan army ready for battle and vengeance.....this time they did not hesitate to make the first attack. In merely a few hours the Villages were burnt and plundered and the body count began to slowly stack up but the resistance also took their pound of flesh as they struck hard and fast. Guru was forced to watch his beloved home being burnt to the ground. Energy flew from every warrior, shock waves echoed from the far corners of the Planet and screams filled the air as victims cried for help as they helplessly watched loved ones succumb to injuries or die from rogue energy balls, even friendly fire. The once green Planet was reduced to fire and ash as warriors from both sides collided with their enemy but the battle did not end as the fallen were replaced by fresh troops. Retreat, regroup, attack......it was a recurring tactic which ensured that this war waged for close to a decade.

237 BBW
Years of battle had taken its toll on both Earth and Vegeta forces and neither had the resources nor the man power to continue this standstill so the King of the rising Empire as well as the 3 seasoned Masters negotiated a temporary truce forced upon them by Guru who could not bear to see his kin being slain over foreign matters. The leaders agreed to the treaty and departed their forces from the war torn Namek but each side had taken with them an unexpected set of cargo.....defectors and new allies. During the decade long war many relationships had been forged, alliances had been made and warriors fought against their old comrades due to various reasons. For personal reasons Saiyans joined the Earthlings in their struggle, Earthlings defected and joined the Empire while the Namekians joined the side they felt was going to win, each reason was different but the result was the same.

230 BBW
After the loss of almost half its Warriors the Saiyan Empire opened its arms to those who chose to join its ranks. Humans and Namekians were now amongst the Saiyans and were considered equals due to their combat prowess and were formally inducted into the Army. With the loss of its King due to Natural Illness the eldest son Ijin took the throne with a new vision, to grow his Fathers Empire and guide it in a new direction thus birthing the Collective Empire of Vegeta which took on a new approach to the old hierarchy, getting rid of the old birth grading system which usually categorized warriors at infancy based on their powerlevel and replacing it with a system which was relevant to the various species in its ranks. Under King Ijins rule the C.E.V quickly regained its losses.

228 BBW
The 3 schools suffered greatly as their members dwindled in numbers due to the decade war but new light was shed as their remaining forces returned with Namekians and Saiyan Warriors who had voluntarily joined their numbers. Initially many were baffled as to why they joined but upon closer inspection their reasons showed a common link in that the Earthlings showed compassion and healed their injuries, saved them from death or some just tired of life time of constant conflict and fighting. Word of the C.E.V eventually made it to the Turtle, Wolf and Crane Masters ears, their exploits and organization sparking fear into the elders hearts as they assumed another incident like Namek would reoccur so they began to pool their resources to form the Planetary Alliance Force.

200 BBW
It was only a matter of time before the Namekians history and the Dragonballs were exposed to their allies but no Namekian would ever believe that they were already in their peers and leaders possession. For centuries these orbs had been passed down or brought as mementos or rare collections with each owner oblivious to its true purpose and power until now. Within the C.E.V the Dragonball had been passed down from Father to son within the throne where as the Dragonball within the P.A.F had been circulated throughout many owners from farmers who believed the trinket brought luck and good harvest to aristocrats who treasured the ball as a priceless trinket. News spread of the legend of the Dragon and the requirements needed to summon it from its slumber as well as the rewards which followed which inevitably sparked the interest of the leaders, not only that, but the story began to spread like wild fire which caught the interest of other third parties.

199 BBW
The hunt for the Dragonballs began but with no real technology to track or find them both sides were effectively flying blind. Word was sent out to members of their respected factions to be on the lookout for anything which resembled a Dragonball but unbeknown to the C.E.V and the P.A.F the balls were scattered universally and not locally. For months scouts had searched their home World for signs of the items but looking for a ball on an entire Planet is harder than searching for a grain of sand in a 100 foot haystack prompting both leaders to search for alternative means of discovering the remaining Dragonballs. Scientists worked hard for next few years to develop a means of locating the remaining items required to summon the eternal Dragon but what they did not anticipate was that these balls were scattered across the entire Galaxy which caused various problems which halted progress for many more years and it was by sheer miscalculation that a scientist from Capsule Corp discovered similar signatures from other distant Planets. Meanwhile on the Planet Vegeta the Tuffle scientists began to recalibrate scouters to detect similar energy emitted by the Dragonballs but they too encountered a similar hump however they knew they were on the right track as the Dragonball held by the King was still being picked up by their systems. The leading scientist at the time suggested that they broaden their search radius which paid off exponentially as the remaining 6 Dragonballs had been located, the bad news was that one was already in possession by the newly established P.A.F but others were close by. In an effort to get the upper hand on the inevitable war over these balls the King ordered for a task force to be sent out to collect the item of interest within the Yami system, little did they know their actions would bring more harm than good.

195 BBW
Space pods rained from the skies of the Planet Yaice and were met immediately with heavy resistance from its inhabitants, a race of pale skinned humanoids which seemed to vary in shape size depending on their level of power which were nicknamed ‘Changelings’. A large fight broke out between the two factions as Human, Namekian and Saiyan fought as one to accomplish the goal they had been given by their King but unfortunately their enemies power far exceeded their own which resulted in the immediate destruction of their forces with the exception of one. This lone warrior put up a good fight while being interrogated by his enemies but eventually one can only take so much pain before they are willing to say anything to make it stop thus he exposed the reason why they had invaded thus giving information of the Dragonballs existence to the Changelings. The reigning King and Queen of Yaice gained possession of the Dragonball which called their Planet home and also a scouter containing the technology to effectively find the remaining balls, not only had the C.E.V failed in their mission but they had also alerted another power of the mystical balls.

150 BBW
After almost half a century of fighting between the Changeling Empire and the C.E.V it was determined that there was going to be no clear cut winner as both sides were equal in both power and number but that did not deter either side from fighting for what they wanted. Pride fuelled the C.E.V while greed fuelled the other, two forces colliding through various Worlds and different blood soaked battlefields as both men and women fell. As soon as one faction grasped the advantage somehow the other would claw their way to an equal footing until the struggle was once again at a standstill. Needless to say that countless Worlds were victim to these battles and many bore grudges against both Empires but to them they were necessary losses in order to accomplish their desires and goals.

149 BBW
A peace between the entire Galaxy which lasted for an entire Century due to numerous wars and the countless fatalities caused by them. Each faction bore the flag of surrender to recuperate their losses but in no way did they abandon their search for the Dragonballs as small scouting parties were sent out to see if the remaining balls were obtainable through other means than conflict and war. Within the Calm old warriors retired while new ideas rose from old tales of glory and horror and it was inevitable that the newer generation sought the spoils of war. The peace was long but frail, it would only take a spark to ignite the ever burning flame.

49 BBW
Leaders of various nations were aware that War approaching and that the frail peace which existed for close to a Century was about to come to an end. One of the Alliances leading Scientific minds was in the process of creating an Artificial being capable of fighting their enemies strongest warriors and in many cases exceed them without the possibility of Alliance casualties, his name was Doctor Gero. Branded mad by those who did not know him but hailed as a genius by those who worked beside him, the Doctor had completed the very first functioning Android after a lifetime of research, trial, failure and editing and was named Yalpha. This artificial being had bested many in trial combat even some whom had trained for decades in the art of fighting and this new weapon gave the Alliance an edge should war knock on their doorsteps.

Peace could only last so long within a Galaxy populated by beings whom possess enormous power with a hunger to match so it was no surprise when Earths atmosphere was breached by the C.E.V space pods. The Empires King whom had appropriately being nicknamed the “Shadow” sent his forces to claim the Dragonball within the Alliances possession through sheer force, these actions alone sparked the Black War. This small force was crushed easily by the P.A.F’s newly established Android regime and was sent to Vegeta as a natural means of retaliation. Needless to say a group of Androids were not what the residents of the Empire were expecting when they landed and many fell to their power but ultimately they were destroyed and their remains were studied then replicated by the Tuffle scientist Doctor Kon, the King seeing this as an opportunity to further stretch his own power. Once again the C.E.V and the P.A.F clashed which created a ripple throughout the entire Galaxy but little did they know others were watching for an opportune moment to strike.

Posts : 34
Join date : 2011-08-29

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